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Exceptional workmanship are made by wood carvers from Bungmati, a village in Nepal famous for exceptional wood carving designs.
The Pancha Buddha Mandala is the symbol of Buddhist meditation technique. In Nepal, this symbol can be found on most house entrance. They are also known as the Dyani Buddhas in their meditative postures(mudras). The five Buddhas are Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi. They may not be placed haphazardly as each has a fixed place. Vairochana is placed at the center, Akshobhya facing east, Ratnasambhava-south, Amitabha-west and Amoghasiddhi- north. Place it in its right location and it will surely bring the best karma and good luck.
wood from the specie called Hopea Ferrea
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