Traditional Elephant Art

Traditional Elephant Art

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  • Dimension : 38 × 28 cm
  • Weight : 0.25 kg
  • Material: Cotton Cloth
This exquisite piece of artwork, titled “Traditional Elephant Art,” is a stunning representation of traditional Mithila art forms. The central figure is a beautifully adorned elephant, surrounded by a border of flowers and geometric designs, showcasing the artist’s skill and precision. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors are reminiscent of Mithila or Pattachitra paintings, known for their detailed and colorful depictions of animals and nature. Elephants hold a special place in Mithila culture, symbolizing royalty, strength, and wisdom, and are considered auspicious. This artwork, likely created using natural dyes and pigments on handmade paper or canvas, adds authenticity and charm. It would make a striking addition to any home decor, bringing cultural elegance and vibrancy to living rooms, hallways, or offices. The meticulous details and bright colors reflect the expertise of skilled artisans who have inherited this craft through generations.

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