Handmade bags are comfortable to carry as it has low weight and gives some ethnic, authentic and unique spectacle. At iMartNepal, we offer you the best handmade bags on different design made through fiber, coteries, original Nepalese pasmina and woolen. You can buy a simple bags to sophisticated laptop bags, Hippie bag to felt bag and oval bags to side bags at your budget and all are totally authentic and handmade.
Showing 1–10 of 41 results
- $37.00
+ Deliver Cost
Cotrise Bag (36 x 13)
It is made of fine quality cotrise with some beautiful embroidery on it. You can use this as a shopp... View Details$28.00+ Deliver Cost
Cotton Baba Bag
This is a gorgeous cotton baba bag from 100% Cotton. Nice and long shoulder strap makes this bag com... View Details$20.00+ Deliver Cost
Cotton Bag (25 x 15)
This fancy bags is designed using premium grade fabrics and ultra modern techniques in compliance wi... View Details$38.00+ Deliver Cost
- $350.00
+ Deliver Cost
- $326.00
+ Deliver Cost
Felt Bag
These handmade felt purses and bags are made from sheep wool using a long held ancient tradition. Th... View Details$37.00+ Deliver Cost
Hand Bag
It is made of fine quality Hemp and Wool with some beautiful colored stripes on it. You can use this... View Details$35.00+ Deliver Cost
- $40.00
+ Deliver Cost
- $38.00
+ Deliver Cost