For Blog “Women empowerment; a challenge in Nepal”

By iMartNepal 10 years ago 2401

Women Empowerment, a Challenge in Nepal

A country with geographical and cultural diversity followed by unique unity in diversity represents rare identity of Nepal. But natural human gender diversity is still not shadowed under common umbrella of equality.  


The contradiction to maintain balance between reliable modern culture of gender equality and provocative ancient masculine tradition gives a transparent vision creating an inhabitable issue of today’s Nepalese society. Modern Nepalese society reflecting conflicting socio-economic status has focus on concept of women empowerment for development which is resisted by traditional belief of masculine society.


In this scenario, rising women’s empowerment maintained by education and awareness have not gained sustainable position yet. The approach of governmental, and various private sectors lighting lamp of women empowerment have shown some fruitful improving outcomes.  But it seems not enough; the rising critical contradiction is visualized by prominent gap of women status between urban and rural areas of Nepal. There are a lot of things to be improved from each and every member of Nepalese society. After all, women empowerment is not only burning issue representing women’s right but also a duty of every man which should be radiated as heat of inspiration; respect and love from their soul.


Empowerment doesn’t only include efficient approach to education and employment but also natural right to decide, equality and understanding.  Withdrawing any of these factors can lower women status in human society.


Urban areas having effective education and awareness have maintained a good slandered of women potential in socio-economic aspect but its still seems unserviceable in field. Although there is easy reach to legal activity, communication, awareness and other additional support but still the women empowerment is not accelerating in urban areas. The activities like; indoor gender discrimination, sexual harassment and assault in public place, illegal polygamy etc. is still prevalent in city areas.

The women illiteracy is also a key drawback of Nepalese society resisting women empowerment in Nepal.


Literacy rates of Nepal 2011 AD:


Female literacy rate

Male literacy rate






The pie chart of female and male literacy rate in Nepal (2011 AD).

This huge difference of male and female literacy rate is result of gender discrimination prevalent in Nepalese society. Nepalese family gives educational priority to boys as a result many young girls are deprived of school education and forced to engage in household works.


The condition of women’s in rural area is even more critical due to lack of education, awareness and income source. The traditional masculine social concept followed by lack of education and awareness is still prevalent in many villages of Nepal. Hard labor for gathering livestock and struggle to join their hand to mouth has resisted women to explore from their limited source. The early marriage and socially deprived from right to decide pregnancy; women in remote village have caused frequent maternal and infant death. The maternal death rate of Nepal is 170 death/100,000 lives. (2010AD)


The lack of knowledge about family planning in rural areas have resulted frequent pregnancy resulting population growth. The prevalent dowry system and early marriage in many part of Terai have resulted serious women rights violation and even death. Trafficking is an integral part of the social and economic fabric of Nepal, as in other parts of the world. The practice causes intolerable degradation and suffering for the girls and young women involved, who are treated as a commodity. It presents a risk to their physical and mental health, and in particular to their sexual health.

The women education and awareness works as key to improve life standard of women in rural areas. Moreover, filtering and polishing social concept of masculine society as well as enhancing gender equality by establishing women right to decide from mutual intersexual respect helps to maintain women empowerment in Nepal.


To maintain women empowerment in Nepal; the women participation in economic activity and household decision making plays a prominent role.  The relationship between women’s economic participation and their input into household decision making can improve family quality of life. Hence, women empowerment is essential for development of our country. Women in rural areas need education, awareness and skill training to increase their personal income and this economic input in family helps to initiate women empowerment. Skill training of any handicraft product, rising agricultural productivity can be efficient way to increase women’s income in a family.


“Spark of education creates gender equality.” Women’s right and empowerment are associated with each other. If women right is established in society properly, it helps to create natural uplifting of empowerment resulting gender equality.


Data source: “Central Bureau Statistics Nepal”


Author: Rabin Thapa  (00977-9818596071)

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