Handicraft: Blessing to Nepali Society

By iMartNepal 11 years ago 4781

Nepal- A country where a virtuous education and a proper opportunity have always been a hard-hitting challenge, people have always found it difficult to meet their hands to mouth. In such a critical situation handmade handicrafts have been a great source of income to Nepalese.

Handicraft is any of a wide variety of types of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools. With the blend of spirit and mystery of Nepalese cultures and traditions, handcrafted products have their own significant norms and values.

In our country many people are illiterate or semi-literate; hence they always find several challenges in their life. They hardly get decent job. Also they lack enough money to start up with some worthy business. In such critical context, they can upgrade their life style by getting involved in handicraft sector. Also, in the patriarchal society like us, woman can start the handicraft business of their own. Many disabled, widowed, divorced, or abused woman seem to be get involved in this sector.

Nepalese handmade handicrafts have their own aesthetic value. They provide the road map and guidelines of Nepalese ethos and stories. They help to utilize labor’s intensive specialized skills along with the mobilization of indigenous raw materials and resources. They have helped to raise the income source to the people.Upon proper utilization of spare time, dedication and skill, handicraft business people can start their own business and earn quite handsome money

Even in the 21st century, women are deprived of well education and opportunity. Their primary job is considered as child care and domestic work. They are often neglected, discriminated and deprived in society. They are bound to get discriminated at every step of their lives like at home, at office and at work. They are given less opportunity and paid less too.

Due to lack of financial condition Nepali woman have been victim of physical and mental violence in domestic aura. They are forced to get married with big age differences or forceful marriage. Many girls are compelled to opt to work as sex workers and many get involved in prostitute business just to earn their daily bread.

But THANKS to the wonderful opportunity of handicraft business that is picking up its amplitude demand in foreign market too.

The handicrafts made by Nepalese like wooden masks, bags, canvas work, wood cravings, jewelery designs, statues are adored not just in Nepali society but also have high demand in foreign countries.Due to high demand of handicrafts supplied by Nepali market, Nepalese are more attracted to get involved into this handicraft business. Also families are encouraging woman in their family to utilize their skill and their leisure time.

Similarly, many NGO/ INGO or even Government are gradually providing the job trainings of handicrafts like ecofriendly crafts, wooden decors, etc. and helping people to be independent and live their dignified lifestyle. By getting involved in this field, it help them to better life style, children will get better food, education and shelter. The way of people looking down to the woman is gradually decreased and help woman to be the important aspect of the society as the men.

In nuts shell, Nepali handicrafts have helped many people to get happy family life and show cast their talent in a proper way. Hence Handicrafts have been really a blessing for the Nepali Society.