Green Tara (SKU : 420-6)

Green Tara

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    • Dimension : 45.72 × 60.96 cm
    • Weight : 0.15 kg
    • Material: Minerals, Silk, 24 K Gold, Natural Colours, Precious Stones, Bark, Silver, Copper.
    • SKU: 420-6


    Green Tara; filled with youthful vigor, is a goddess of activity. She is the fiercer form of Tara, but is still a savior-goddess of compassion.Green Tara is believed to have been incarnated as Bhrikuti, the wife of the Tibetan king Srong-brtsan-sgam-po. In Buddhism, the color green signifies activity and accomplishment.She is specially known for her power to overcome the most difficult situation, giving protection against danger and all kinds of fear.Green Tara is seated on a white moon-disk. Her green coloring symbolizes the active function of the fully-enlightened being. The moon is resting upon a lotus. The moon represents her peacefulness. The lotus represents her freedom from any defilement, just as the lotus rises out of the mud of the swamp, but the blossom itself is undefiled and pure.

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